DataCamp - Learn R, Python & Data Science Online



😃 Our objective is to make data skills accessible to everyone.

🌐 DataCamp is used by businesses and teams of all sizes to bridge data skill gaps and make better data-driven choices.

🔊 What is DataCamp and How does a work?

▶ Data science and analytics' influence and Data science and analytics are increasingly transforming our lives and companies. We're collecting more data than ever before, yet not everyone can properly evaluate it all to glean important insights. Data has great power—but only if you know what to do with it. DataCamp educates businesses and people how to work with data in the real world. 

▶ Nowadays, data is at the heart of every organisation. Nevertheless, most businesses just evaluate a subset of their data and do it inefficiently. Many companies limit data science skills to a restricted set of employees. As a result, they have a massive talent gap that they cannot fill through hiring. This contradicts the majority of corporations' current data transformation plans. We specialise in democratising data skills and making whole enterprises data literate.

▶ Our fundamental principles and ideals We abide by a set of basic beliefs that we believe will help us fulfil our aim of democratising data skills for all.


⏭ promoting data literacy for everybody and At DataCamp, we think that everyone has the right to high-quality education and data skill development in order to have a more secure future. We have always given free, unrestricted access to DataCamp for Classrooms for teachers and their students as part of our objective to democratise data skills for everyone, serving over 350,000 students worldwide. We've also collaborated with over 120 charitable groups to provide 25,000 free DataCamp memberships to areas in need.

⏭ Improve your scaling skills. Data training tailored to your needs. Join the 2,500+ firms and 80% of the Fortune 1000 who use DataCamp to train their employees.

⏭ DataCamp provides a number of courses for users ranging from novice to experienced. The courses are interactive, and they give learners with hands-on experience with real-world datasets. The website provides over 350 courses and projects arranged into learning tracks, allowing users to choose a path that best suits their learning objectives. To reinforce the principles gained in each module, each course contains video lectures, code challenges, and quizzes.

⏭ DataCamp has both free and paid membership options. The free membership only allows access to some courses, but the paying membership allows access to all courses, projects, and tracks. The platform also has an enterprise edition for businesses who wish to teach their personnel in data science.

▶ In summary, is a well-known e-learning platform for data science and programming, with a wide range of courses, projects, and skill tracks available. The platform's hands-on learning methodology, real-world datasets, and interactive learning environment make it a fantastic choice for anybody interested in acquiring data science skills.

✔ DataCamp provides interactive R, Python, Sheets, SQL, and shell training. Everything is about data science, statistics, and machine learning. With video courses and engaging coding challenges and projects, you can learn from a team of qualified teachers in the comfort of your browser.

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