GitHub - Learn Git and GitHub without any code

Get Free website codes and files or setups. Also you can create and mange to your website with github.

Where the world's software is created

On GitHub, the world's largest and most advanced development platform, millions of developers and businesses build, ship, and manage their software.

The market leader in development and software build :

Make your own professional web presence the way you want it.

Repository :

A development project can be stored in a GitHub repository.

It can hold folders and files of any sort (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Documents, Data, Images).

A GitHub repository should also include a licence file and a project README file.

A GitHub repository may also be used to hold ideas or materials that you want to share with others.

Branch :

A GitHub branch allows you to work on many versions of a repository at the same time.

A repository has a master branch by default (a production branch).

Every other branch is a duplicate of the master branch (as it was at a point in time).

New Branches are used to isolate bug fixes and feature work from the master branch. When the modifications are complete, they should be merged into the master branch. If you make modifications to the master branch while working on a new branch, these changes will be reflected in the new branch.

Commits :

Changes are referred to as commits on GitHub.

Each commit (change) includes a description of why the change was made.

Requests for Pull :

The heart of GitHub cooperation is the Pull Request.

With a pull request, you propose that your modifications be merged (pulled in) with the master branch.

Color discrepancies in pull requests represent content variances, revisions, additions, and subtractions (green and red).

Even before the code is ready, you may make a pull request and start a debate as soon as you have a commit.

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